Get in touch

It would be great to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us:

50 plus men's health and fitness

Call us

Speak to the team.

50+ men's health and fitness

Email us

Just send us an email and tell us what you need.

Schedule Your Times - Network, Programs, Transformations

Step 1. After purchasing your Free or paid program, schedule your time with one of our professionals to get you moving in the right direction. These sessions are online, supportive, and promote action.

Step 2. Book in your weekly group session which is included in the paid programs. These are created so you can gain support, use other people's insights and create networks around the world.

Quick Information.

Who does Men50 Fitness work with?

Men from around the world who are 50 years old and up. 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

What happens after I enrol in training?

After the transaction is approved you will receive an email with instruction and login details. Schedule a zoom call (as above). Choose a time that suits you. This meeting will be with one of our training managers and will be a great entry into making change in your life.

What will I experience in the Network?

The network community has been created so you can share, engage, meet and learn with men from around the world.

What will I experience in the training?

The training is very real. The training is created by 50 plus year old men who are going through the same as every man after 50. The training is proven to completely transform the lives of 50+ men. The videos are authentic and not over produced for a reason (reality)

Our 4 week program (APE 50 Plus) is a day by day change catalyst focusing on turning your life into a fun packed adventure. Your family and friends will be impressed!

How can I start for FREE?

To get started go straight to the FREE tab on the site and you will see FREE items drop down. Choose from the downloads. Our pick would be to go the Ultimate 50+ FREE Transformation as this includes support.

My login is not working?

If you can't seem to login after the first time you join us, try forgot password and reset your password. Alternatively, email us at to get our help :)

Do I need to see a doctor before I start any programs?

Yes. The simple answer. See a doctor or health professional for the benefits of your own health, your family (they want the best for you) and to have piece of mind for your future.

Ask a question.